
Chromebook Handbook

The Teacher

We are proud to lead the way in private Christian education by integrating technology into the curriculum and creating a true blended-learning experience for our students. We are a 1:1 campus, meaning we have the equivalency of electronic devices to allow each student who is enrolled the opportunity to use one in their learning environment.

Our faculty integrates the leading educational programs into curriculum and receives training to stay current with best practices and trends in technology in education.

The Student

Students have the opportunity and are encouraged to bring their own electronic device to campus, but also utilize the devices that we have readily accessible in our learning spaces. Students have direct access to Chromebooks, laptop computers, desktop computers, and iPads. Our expanded secure wireless network allows for students to engage in digital learning during the school day.

Our school is progressive with cell phones, in that we allow students to utilize them during the school day.

The Parent

Our school uses RenWeb, a web-based program that brings the parent and the school together in one unified system allowing parents to access grades and other pertinent school information in one convenient place. In addition, our main source of communication to parents comes through email, this includes teacher communication, interim reports and grade cards.

The Campus

Every classroom is equipped with either SmartBoard or Promethean technology. In addition, all of our learning spaces have the opportunity to use Chromebooks, iPads, laptops, or desktops for daily instruction. Our upper school wing has a newly-remodeled academic research center, equipped with three Promethean group learning stations, a 3D printer, a Promethean Activ-Table, and Chromebooks

Disclaimer in accordance with Ohio Senate Bill SB29 (effective October 24, 2024):

"Your student is using a school-issued device with Edtech Analytics, a Chrome browser extension from Clever. Edtech Analytics tracks which educational products and/or platforms your student uses on Chrome and provides anonymized, aggregated data to your school district so you can understand the frequency and types of educational tools being used by students in the district."



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APR 08

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7:30 am - 3:30 pm